How to Check When Your Instagram Account Was Created

Instagram debuted a decade back in 2010! We rarely sit back and reminisce about how long it has been since we started using this social media. 

Everybody has a story to tell when we ask when they joined the platform. Someone’s friend hyped them up, and others stumbled upon the app on other social media platforms. 

Instagram Age Checker – Find When Instagram Account Was Created

We can recall the events that led to the entry of this popular app on our devices, but do we remember the exact date we joined it? Yes, perhaps it was summer; you were in college, or was it high school? 

These dates have their own stories, and being able to trace them is precious. We can trace our success, followers’ growth, and other metrics and see how far we have made it if we receive this information. 

As a reader, you are here to know the same thing. You’re curious about the date when it all began. 

And, dear reader, we won’t disappoint you. We’ll clarify the answer, so stick to us until the end. Let’s dive right in. 

Is it possible to check when the Instagram account was created?

Let’s go right to the point: Do you want to know how to find out when your Instagram account was created? You should be aware that you can find out this information easily. 

Users of Instagram have been doing it for a while. Please review the parts below; they will serve as your guide if you want to learn more. 

Method 1: Check your Instagram account creation date

We will start by talking about how to find the creation date of our individual Instagram accounts. Follow the steps to learn how it is done in detail below. 

Steps to check the Instagram account creation date

Step 1: Open Instagram web on your PC browser.

Step 2: Tap on the three horizontal lines icon from the left panel of the navigation bar. 

Step 3: Select Your Activity from the options menu.

Step 4: Click on Download your information next. 

Step 5: Check your email and information format from under Get a copy of your information page. 

Step 6: Tap on Next and enter your password on the next page. 

Step 7: Now, hit the request download button and wait for the email to arrive. 

Step 8: Tap on the link in your email and hit the download information link.

Step 9: Please enter your Instagram password for authentication purposes

Step 10: Scroll to the login_and_account_creation option and click it. 

Step 11: In the next screen, tap the signup_information.html option.

You might have to extract the file to view it. 

Step 12: The Signup information page will reveal when you created your account. 

Look for the Time category and see the Instagram account creation date. 

The format for creation date: MM/DD/YYYY, (TIME)

Note: You can also view your username, IP address, and email

How to check someone’s account creation date?

We occasionally wish to look for the Instagram creation date of another person. You are lucky; there are two ways to verify this data on someone else’s account. 

Want to know the steps? See the steps listed below. 

Method 1: Check their profile

Do you want to know when someone joined Instagram? You can do that right now with only a few clicks. 

We have given step-by-step instructions to prevent confusion. So, follow them carefully. 

Steps to check someone’s Instagram account creation date:

Step 1: Open Instagram and navigate to the target user’s profile. 

Step 2: Tap on their usernames to enter their profile page. 

Step 3: The three vertical dot icon is present at the top right corner of the profile. Please tap it. 

Step 4: There must be an option called About this account in the pop-up. Click on it. 

Step 5: On the next page, you will see the month and year when the account was created under the date joined option.

There is also other information like Account based in (location), Account with shared followers, and Verified date if the account is verified. 

This approach has a drawback. Many Instagram accounts do not have an About this Account section.

The choice is often available in large, verified accounts. Therefore, if this doesn’t work, please try the next one. 

Method 2: Check their oldest post

It is not simple to discover someone’s Instagram joining date using this approach. You must play a guessing game about when you joined. 

We are eager to post our first image when we initially join a platform. Some of us post it on the first day of our Instagram debut. 

You must look at the date of their first post to find out when their account was created. We are aware that this approach has flaws. 

Many people avoid posting on the first day and instead concentrate on growing their following and creating a community. Then, this approach will fail. 

But surely something is better than nothing? You must try your luck here if you have no other choice. 

So, here’s how you check the oldest post of an individual. 

Steps to check a user’s oldest post

Step 1: Head to your Instagram profile. You must tap on the profile icon at the lower right corner of your home page for it. 

Step 2: Upon reaching your profile, scroll down the person’s first post in the post grid. 

Step 3: Check the date of the post under it. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. What requirements must an Instagram account meet to have an “About this account” section? 

There is no standard that Instagram has set out for users in order to get the About this Account section. However, you will notice that this section is present in every verified account. Even with a sizable following, you won’t see this area in an unverified account. 

2. How to request account verification on Instagram?

We frequently wonder where a famous person gets the checkmark icon next to their name, right? Celebrities receive it when they sign up for the platform, but you can also ask for verification. 

Steps to request account verification on Instagram: 

Step 1: Please tap the hamburger icon at the top right corner of your profile. 

Step 2: Select Settings and Privacy from the list. 

Step 3: Scroll to the For Professionals category next. You must choose the Account type and tools in this section. 

Step 4: Go to Tools on the next page and tap Request verification

Step 5: You will be directed to Apply for Instagram verification page. Please add your username and full name in the specified fields under confirm authenticity

Step 6: Select the document type next and add the file. 

Step 7: Now, you must confirm notability and add category country/region and audience (optional) in the respective spaces. 

Step 8: You have the option to add a link. Skip it if you don’t wish to add any. 

Step 9: Hit the submit button next. 

And that’s a wrap

We’re done here, so let’s look at the blog’s main points. We spoke about checking the creation date of an Instagram account. 

Please consider the approach we have described. We also discussed two potential methods for finding someone else’s Instagram joining date. 

Make sure your account creation date checking is hassle-free by following simple procedures. Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the space provided below. 

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. Please visit our website for more information about tech-related topics.

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