Technology, if used righteously, makes our life so much easier. Back in the old days, people used to carry 2 separate phones to keep their professional and personal lives divergent. And, until the present day, some people use this same method.

However, they are unaware of Google’s voice number, which helps them manage multiple phone numbers on a single phone. And you can also use this one Google voice number across multiple phones.
You can now own one Google voice number and forward all the incoming calls to it, be it your family, friends, or acquaintances. This technology makes managing multiple phone numbers easier on a single device.
You can also easily access your voicemails from a single device, and call recording is also available. Apart from these benefits, the one major benefit Google voice number provides is that you can easily call anyone from the US or Canada via your Gmail account without paying a hefty amount for calling charges.
Many of us have different uses for our Google voice, and using one number may not be feasible. For instance, you might not be comfortable sharing one number with everyone you talk to.
Now, you might be wondering if we can get multiple Google voice numbers on a single phone. We know you have plenty of questions about the same. Therefore, in this article, we will explore multiple options to get more Google voice numbers on a single phone.
So, without further delay, let’s quickly dive into workaround ways of getting multiple Google voice numbers on one phone.
Here are methods to have multiple google voice numbers
Method 1: Multiple Google Accounts
In order to generate a Google voice number, you first need to have a Google account. So, to put it simply, the more Google accounts you have, the more Google voice numbers can be generated. You can simply login into multiple Google accounts on a single phone, and you can have various Google voice numbers on your single phone.
Now, two options are in front of you. The first option is that you can keep switching between your Google accounts to access the Google voice numbers. But in that case, it will take a lot of time and effort because you will have to remember which number is used, where and what person is calling, which number, etc. This will create a lot of mess and confusion.
On the other hand, the second option is where you create a system in which you keep a main Google voice number to which you forward all calls from the other. Doing this will help you save the hassle of switching on and off multiple Google accounts, and you will also get all the calls from one primary number on a single device.
Method 2: Switching Phone Types
In the era of using smartphones, what’s the point if you are not smart enough to use smartphones? Switching phone types is the smartest workaround for having multiple Google voice numbers on a single phone and a single Google account.
Yes, you read that right; until now, we were talking about switching from multiple accounts to a single phone. But now we will see how to get multiple Google voice numbers in a single Google account.
Phone types are basically the three options you see: Home, Mobile, and work. The workaround trick here is you can apply for a separate number for each category. For example, a number can be generated for the home and a different number for phones and work.
Now, you can easily get 3 different numbers under one Google account. But note that you cannot get multiple numbers under one category. Authentication for all three numbers will occur via your same Google account. You can use multiple phone numbers using this method easily.
Wrapping up
Google voice number is a free and easy tool that helps you with calls and texting and also helps you manage multiple phone numbers on a single phone. You can easily access your voicemails from a single device, and call recording is also available. The more Google accounts you have; the more Google voice numbers can be generated.
Switching phone types is the smart way to do it. You can apply for a separate home, mobile, and work number. But note that you cannot get multiple numbers under one category.
If you were wondering if it was possible to own multiple Google voice numbers, the answer is yes, you can! You can follow the methods we have mentioned above and get multiple Google voice numbers and use them at your convenience.
As promised, we have mentioned all the reliable methods that help you to get multiple Google voice numbers on one phone. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and try the methods mentioned above!
We hope this article was useful in understanding how to get multiple Google voice numbers on one phone. If you cannot find anything, let us know in the comment section below, and we will help you find the right solution!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will I be able to make my Google Voice number completely anonymous?
Yes, you can make your Google voice number anonymous. All you need to do is hide your caller’s id before making the calls. In order to hide the caller id, open the Google Voice app, go to settings, find the “calls” tab, and you will be able to see the toggle option for anonymous Caller ID.
2. Will I have to pay in order to use the Google voice number?
No, Google voice number is a purely free service. You can communicate with other Google voice numbers for free. However, there’s a one-time fee applicable if you want to retain your existing number as your secondary number.
3. Will I be able to link multiple Google voice numbers to one single Google voice number?
Yes, you can link multiple Google voice numbers to a single primary Google voice number. You can link a maximum of 6 numbers that aren’t linked to any other account already.
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