How to See Photos Liked by Someone on Facebook

When we talk about social media platforms, Facebook is one of the first names that pop up in our brains, mainly because we have been using it for years now. Long before these other social media platforms were introduced, Facebook was a go-to place for all the people to talk to their loved ones, share about their everyday lives, and see other people’s updates.

How Can You See What Your Friend Likes on Facebook

Facebook has introduced several innovative features to make the app better for the audience. Over the past two decades, millions of users created an account on Facebook. Not to mention, the interface is easy to use and understandable to any age group.

The platform is not just used as a purpose to text people, but several prominent companies have their Facebook account for business purposes. Several people promote their startup companies, sell products, help people, create content, and many more.

The like feature was launched way back in 2009, where users can put a thumbs up on other people’s posts. The purpose of this was to validate the posts and tell the user that you have liked what they have uploaded. They act as a support function that you have approved and liked the other user’s posts, pages, and content on Facebook.

Like in this way, you can also post your content on Facebook and your friends, including other random people. You can also connect and approach other big businesses or companies for work-related matters.

You may be curious to know, can you actually see what someone likes on Facebook? We all have curiosity to see interests of other people, especially if they are your crush!

Although you can not view or check out which posts or photos your friends liked on Facebook, you can indeed find out what pages they like. If your friend has not locked their privacy, you can indeed browse their liked pages and learn about their interests.

In this article, we will teach about how you can see what your friend likes on Facebook. So let’s get started and follow the steps to see how you can see what your friend likes on Facebook.

How Can You See What Your Friend Likes on Facebook

Before we proceed ahead, remember you cannot invade someone’s privacy by seeing the posts they like on daily basis. With the steps given below, you can see what your friend likes on Facebook by just heading over to their profile.

Facebook has an in-built option that provides you with complete info about what the user has liked.

Follow the given step-by-step guide below:

Step 1: Open your Facebook webpage or application and log in to your account.

Step 2: Go to the search bar and type your friend’s name whose profile and likes you want to check.

Step 3: Locate and find your friend’s profile. Click on it, and you will automatically be redirected to their timeline.

Step 4: When you open your friend’s timeline, open the “more” option.

how to see what someone likes on facebook

Step 5: After expanding the “more” option, you will see the “likes” option. Click on it.

Step 6: You will see a list of pages the user has liked. Note that any particular industry does not sort these liked pages. It will include a mixture of entertainment, sports, celebrities, political information, and more.

Step 7: If you want to explore further their liked pages, you can do it by searching the specific category. For that, you have to click on the more option, and a list of all the categories will be shown that the user likes. Select what you like, for example, “Entertainment,” and you will get their favorite movies, series, and other content liked by the target.

Look for Your Friend’s Likes on Facebook from Your Mobile

You can see the photos that someone has liked on Facebook with the help of your phone. Here is how you can find the previous and recent likes of a user.

Step 1: Open the Facebook application on your android or IOS phone.

Step 2: Search for your friend’s name in the search bar.

Step 3: Open your friend’s profile and select the option “about info,” and you will be redirected to the pages they have liked. It is the same process mentioned above.

Step 4: Click on the pages they have liked and scroll. You will get to know what posts they have liked.

Wrapping up

Even after years in the industry, Facebook still remains a commonly used social media platform for multiple purposes. From playing games, talking to your friends and family to running your business online, Facebook has evolved tremendously.

Not to mention, Facebook has always kept users’ privacy upfront. Despite claims of breaching user data, Facebook remains popular and committed to creating a safe platform for people. Due to privacy reasons, Facebook does not allow you to see what posts someone likes.

Well, imagine if other people saw the posts you like? Wouldn’t that be similar to invading your privacy? This is precisely why Facebook (now Meta) protects people’s privacy on the platform.

As you know now, it is pretty challenging to find out what posts someone likes on Facebook, but it is quite easy to find out what pages they like on Facebook. You can easily find the pages from the steps mentioned above.

You can do that by following our step-by-step guide mentioned above. We hope you found this article helpful to see how to view what someone likes on Facebook. Over to you. Which trick did it work for you to find out what your friend likes on Facebook? Let us know in the comments section!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you view what my friends like on Facebook?

Well, it is not easy to find out what posts to photos your friend like due to privacy reasons. But you can see what pages they like on Facebook. You can easily view what pages your friend likes on Facebook by clicking on about more and selecting the like option.

2. Will the other person know if I stalk their account?

The other person will never know if you stalk their account until you start liking their pictures or posts they have shared or uploaded on their profile. Instagram does not notify the person if someone stalks or views their account.

3. Can I hide my liked pages from the timeline?

Yes, you can hide your liked pages from the timeline. All you need to do is click on your profile and select more and then select likes. Select your page category. Choose your level of privacy in the audience box, and then you can hide it from your timeline.

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