How to Find Friends on Facebook by Phone Number

Search Phone Number on Facebook: Technological advancements have changed the way people meet and communicate with each other. Now, most friendships start online, and people even prefer their online friends more than in-real ones. One great advantage of technology is that if you have been out of touch with a friend, there are 90% chances you may find them on a social media site.

How Can You Search For Someone’s Phone Number From Facebook

One such platform is Facebook. Facebook was founded back in 2004 and has gained quite a popularity over the years. It helps people connect with friends, create fun group chats, follow celebrities, plan events, share the events of the day, and much more. It is a social hub full of fun and useful features that come in handy in people’s day-to-day lives.

Facebook’s team has made sure that the app is user-friendly and easy-to-use for all age groups. From sending a text to your friend to creating a post, Facebook allows one to use the platform with zero difficulties. On top of that, it is completely free. You can create an account on Facebook and enjoy its features without shelling a penny from your pocket.

Facebook has not forgotten about its users’ privacy concerns. Recently, it has launched a feature that allows users to lock their profile pictures. This feature prevents strangers and creepers from saving your profile picture and limits personal information only to your friends.

To help its users find their friends easily, Facebook requires adding certain information on their profile, such as phone number, email, and other details. This is only to make sure other people are able to find you easily. While it does reveal your phone number, you can always set your privacy settings to “Only Friends” to make sure only the people you’ve added can access this information.

If you were looking for an answer to the question “How to find someone’s number on Facebook?” you are on the right page. Today we’ll provide you with a detailed guide on how you can find phone numbers through people’s Facebook profiles.

Let’s get started!

Is It Possible To Get Phone Numbers From Facebook Profiles?

People have raised many questions about Facebook’s privacy policy in the past, and some continue to do so. Apparently, there have been incidents indicating that the app takes a lot of your personal data and information, and nobody knows if they’re being used for shady reasons.

Nevertheless, Facebook has assured users that their privacy is its topmost priority. While the company does extract a lot of information, it is only to make sure the users have the best online experience. Similarly, Facebook asks for your phone number to secure your account and set up Multi-Factor authentication so that no hacker can access your account.

It is certainly possible to get someone’s number from their Facebook, but only if they have made it visible to you. People have the option to limit their contact information to their friends or nobody at all. This means even if you are friends with that person, you won’t be able to find their number if they have set their privacy settings to “Only Me.”

Steps To Find Someone’s Phone Number On Facebook

So, here we are at the heart of our article now. Trying to find someone’s phone number on Facebook is a very easy process, especially if you are an active user of the app. Here’s how you do it:

Step 1: Log into your Facebook account by entering your email and password.

Facebook Login

Step 2: Search the name of the person whose number you are looking for and open their profile page.

Facebook Search Box

Step 3: On their profile, click on “See _’s About Info”.

Facebook Profile

Step 4: Go to “Contact info” to find their phone number.

Facebook Contact info

Under “Contact info,” you can find a variety of information about the person along with their phone number. If you cannot view their phone number, it is probably because they have hidden this information in their privacy settings.

Wrapping up

We have delivered our promise and told you the procedure to get access to someone’s phone number on Facebook. The process is quite easy, and it takes less than 5 minutes to find out the number. Now, the only thing that can come between you and this person’s number is Facebook’s privacy policy. If the person has limited their contact information’s visibility, we are sorry, but there is nothing you can do.

If you find no phone numbers on their profile, you may want to message them on Facebook and ask for it directly. However, of course, we understand that if you could text them, you wouldn’t be here asking for a method to find their number on your own. But, Facebook is quite strict with its privacy policy, and people cannot just go around collecting numbers unless allowed by the user.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use third-party apps to retrieve hidden phone numbers on Facebook?

No. Not only is it unethical to try to retrieve someone’s private number from Facebook, but it is also highly dangerous to link your account to a third-party app. Most of these third-party apps aren’t what they claim to be. On top of that, they may even steal your information and hack into your account.

2. How can I know whether my number is revealed on Facebook?

To check whether your phone number is revealed on Facebook, go to your profile> About> Contact and basic info. Here, you will find a little lock icon beside your phone number to check your privacy settings.

3. Is it possible to sign up on Facebook without a number?

Yes. To sign up, all you need is a name and a working email ID or phone number. If you do not wish to use your number, you can use your email ID.

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