How to Put Ask Me a Question on Instagram

Social media platforms have their dark sides, no doubt, but they are fun, too funny sometimes. Sometimes, you get caught in the whirlwind of fun and love every second of it! Now, what makes the app so fun?

The features, people, or, perhaps, reels, posts, or clips? Well, Instagram has it all, and we can certainly say that the app is beyond entertainment.

How To Get the Anonymous Questions on Instagram?

This dynamic and always-changing platform is quick to hop on new trends. Millions of people pay attention to these trends, which generate buzz and change the social media landscape. 

Instagram keeps users interested and on the lookout for the newest trends with its unique features and viral challenges. “Anonymous questions” are one of the newest fads that have grabbed Instagram by storm.

Have you seen people getting anonymous questions about crushes, love, friends, late-night adventures, and even a confession? Well, perhaps you have asked a few questions as well. 

The anonymous question trend has significantly grown in popularity, especially on Instagram Stories that take the form of a Q&A. It allows users to answer questions from their followers without disclosing who asked them. Now, that’s something unique, right? 

Interactions on the platform have become more mysterious because of this new trend that has been around on the gram. Your followers can ask direct or delicate questions without worrying about being judged or facing social consequences, promoting a secure and open atmosphere. 

The mystery that anonymous queries arouse is what makes them so alluring. Both the individual asking the questions and their followers, who anxiously anticipate the replies, feel a sense of anticipation. It’s funny how even followers and friends who are not interested much in the platform can get hooked on it. We are pretty sure you have seen some great examples as well. 

Instagram users can research different subjects, share personal stories, and ask for assistance without giving away who they are by permitting anonymous queries.

The app has created a space for candid conversations, and that’s quite incredible. Users don’t have to worry about seeming foolish when they ask delicate queries or seek advice on privacy issues. As individuals share their experiences and provide support to one another, this tendency can also promote empathy and understanding. 

We will talk about one pressing question Instagram users have in mind. Do you want to know how to get anonymous questions on the gram? 

Well, if you don’t know about it, we can help you a little. Follow our blog till the end to find out more. 

What are anonymous questions on Instagram?

Before we proceed, let us clearly address the mystery that is the anonymous question. Now, the term is pretty self-explanatory, don’t you agree? 

Users may look for information or ask people questions on Instagram while remaining anonymous, thanks to a tool or trend. This feature is widely applied in Instagram Stories, and you can’t find it quite often nowadays.

Now, contrary to popular belief, Instagram does not have a built-in feature that lets you ask anonymous questions. Yes, the stick question in your story is not anonymous (Oops). 

So, the next time you ask your crush out via that story sticker, well, we warned you! But hey, please do not worry; we have another third-party option that will work in your favor. If you want to learn more about the mystery app that will fulfill your demands, proceed to the next section. 

Use the NGL app

We are pretty sure you have heard of the NGL anonymous Q&A app if you searched hard enough for the best app for anonymous questions. 

Well, the app has found its way into the app of several Instagram users due to its outstanding features. You just need to Start by looking for NGL: Anonymous Q&A in the App Store or Google Play Store.

The steps to follow in order to use the app are easy. We will guide you through it if you don’t know how to go on about the process. 

Steps to use the NGL app

Step 1: Tap on your respective stores and type in NGL app in the search bar.

Step 2: Search for the NGL app in the search bar and click on it when it appears on the result.

Step 3: Now, install the app and open it to access it. 

Step 4: You will now have to type in your Instagram handle

Step 5: Now, do you see the anonymous question tab on the screen? Please hit the copy link button to proceed. 

Step 6: Do you see the share option? Please click on it next. 

Step 7: You will be whisked to your Instagram story.

Step 8: Select the stickers icon from the top side. 

Step 9: Please click on the link and then paste it.

The link look can be changed if you so like. Otherwise, skip the action. 

Step 10: Select Your story and post the question.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. Will people find out if I send them anonymous questions?

People finding out that you have sent an anonymous question is a nightmare. Imagine sending something to your crush or admitting a silly mistake to find out the person knows your username. 

The objective of anonymous question features is to protect the questioner’s identity. These features allow users to ask confidential or delicate inquiries in a private, secure setting without revealing their identity. 

Please don’t worry; no one can find your identity, so please ask your questions with ease. 

2. Is the NGL app safe to use?

Yes, the app is safe, and many have been using it to pose anonymous questions, so you can too. Although, you must be responsible for your privacy and don’t give out more information than necessary. 

In the end

We have reached the end of our discussion. So, let’s revise some of the important topics. 

Well, we have talked about getting anonymous questions on Instagram. We have discussed the NGL app regarding this matter. Please check the steps and follow them to get your first-ever anonymous questions. 

Do you have more questions? Please feel free to ask them.

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