How to Fix PancakeSwap Waiting for Confirmation Error?

Cryptocurrencies have been the gossip for quite a time now. Most people are looking for ways to invest in cryptocurrencies and get a good return. Several platforms allow people to invest in cryptocurrencies and sell them when returns are visible. Such platforms are classified into two types, namely centralized and decentralized.

How to Fix Stuck on “Waiting For Confirmation” on PancakeSwap

Before people start investing in the crypto market, they stay active on multiple decentralized platforms or exchanges. Such is the case with PancakeSwap. PancakeSwap is one of the most popular platforms that allow users to trade or swap cryptocurrencies in the market.

The transaction of swapping or trading coins can result in some errors. A lot of crypto-enthusiasts use PancakeSwap to trade coins. However, some users have encountered a “Waiting For Confirmation” error while trying to swap cryptocurrencies. Such a message can make a transaction fail.

In this article, we will list a step-by-step guide on how to fix the issue and get going without any hassle!

So, without further ado, let’s get into the details below.

What is The “Waiting For Confirmation” Error on PancakeSwap?

If you are using PancakeSwap, you must have come across a common issue that many people face. This is, ‘waiting for confirmation.’ Well, you are not alone!

Let us assume an example to understand the problem. For instance, you visit the PancakeSwap platform to connect your wallet for swapping coins with BNB, or any other Binance Smart Chain (BSC) enabled coin. After connecting your wallet, you select the coins you want to trade.

After selecting the coin, you click on “Swap.” You encounter the “Waiting For Confirmation” error after trying to swap coins. You will get a notification or a pop-up from your crypto wallet asking for final transaction confirmation. Once you approve the transaction, your transaction will be confirmed and successful.

While a transaction can be successful, there is a chance that the transaction might fail or result in an error. It can become a problem if you do not get a pop-up notification asking for a final confirmation for the transaction. In such cases, you will likely receive a message stating, “Waiting For Confirmation.”

Such a problem has become common over a year on the platform and does not allow users to confirm the transaction. The error will likely occur due to a technical glitch in exchanging the coin or token.

Methods to Fix the “Waiting For Confirmation” Error on PancakeSwap?

Mainly, there are three methods that will help you fix this error. Continue to read to find out the right method that will work best for you!


Using a different wallet is one of the most effective methods to resolve the error. For instance, you can use a separate wallet such as Metamask or Trust Wallet. Once you change your wallet, there are high chances that you might not get the error message again.


Adjusting the slippage can eliminate the problem. Slippage, slippage fee, or slippage tolerance measures the price difference. It measures the difference between the expected and the actual traded price. Slippage is often related to price fluctuations. The crypto market has been known for price fluctuations all the time.

Such price fluctuations can also increase volatility in the market. A higher slippage might indicate that you will be needed to buy your coins at a higher price due to price fluctuations and volatility. However, you must know that increased slippage can increase the chances of a successful transaction.

In most cases, a transaction likely fails due to low slippage tolerance. Low slippage might cause the “Waiting For Confirmation” error. You will face such errors when you are trying to trade new coins. You should know that new coins have low volatility. As a result, it will be ideal for you to increase the slippage tolerance.

Below are the steps in case of slippage tolerance:

Step 1: Open PancakeSwap and connect your wallet to the platform

Step 2: Visit the swap page on the website and select the coins you want to swap

Step 3: You will be required to add a coin by pasting its “Contract Address” in the search bar if you wish to buy a coin that is unavailable in the list of PancakeSwap. You should visit the website to know the contract address of a coin and copy it to paste into the search bar.

Step 4: You should click “Swap” once you have added the coins you want to trade. The “Waiting for confirmation” message will likely pop up. You must wait a few mins and check if the wallet is showing confirmation for the transaction. You should follow the next step if you are still waiting for confirmation.

Step 5: Close the error tab stating “Waiting for confirmation” by clicking on the “X” icon at the top-right corner. Once done, you will see two icons at the top-right corner of the “Exchange” tab. You must click on the second icon from the right side, which is the “Settings” icon.

Step 6: You will see the “Slippage Tolerance” section under the Settings tab, where you should gradually increase the slippage.

Step 7: Swap the coins again and see if the transaction is successful.


This method involves adding zeros at the end of the number of coins you want to trade. It is one of the most effective methods to resolve the problem. It will help if you add zeros with a decimal point. There is no concrete explanation for why this method works, but you should try it out to resolve the error.

Wrapping up

That’s all you needed to know to fix the ‘waiting for confirmation’ error on PancakeSwap folks!

Many platform users have raised their constant concerns about the issue rising up. While many people remain unaware of how to solve this issue and use PancakeSwap without any hassle, it can be tricky to know how to overcome the issue.

If you are facing the same issue, fortunately, you no longer have to panic! With the methods mentioned above, you can overcome the problem without needing any technical background. Remember, all three methods are tried and tested so that you can follow any procedure!

If one method does not work for you, you can switch to the next one. Either way, you will be able to solve the issue in no time. So, we hope this article helped you find the right solution you were looking for. Over to you. Which method worked for you? Let us know in the comment section below!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use multiple methods at once?

Yes. You can use more than one method to ensure your transaction is successful. For example, you can change your wallet and increase the slippage to maximize the chances of a successful transaction.

2. What if none of the methods work?

If no method works, the coins you want to trade are likely memes or scam coins.

3. What is the honeypot scam?

The honeypot scam involves coins created by a creator for scamming purposes. These coins are generally new to the market and bait users to purchase them and do not allow them to trade or swap those coins.

4. How do I avoid scam coins?

It would help if you looked out for the whitepaper of the coin. If you find one with legitimate details, the coin is likely not a scam coin but rather a genuine one.

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