How to Recover Instagram Account Without Email and Phone Number

With millions of daily active users, Instagram has quickly emerged as number one social media platforms. From young teenagers to older adults, everyone is head over heels crazy behind Instagram. After all the features that it offers, how can one refrain from not going crazy about the platform?

How to Regain Your Instagram Account Without Email and Phone Number

Furthermore, Instagram has contributed significantly in helping people reach their targeted audience and increase their business. With active campaigns to support small business, one can take advantage of Instagram’s feature to boost your business.

When you create an account on Instagram, you will have to enter your personal details, including your email address and phone number. Using your personal details, you can recover your account if you forget your password. Everyone is aware about how they can recover their account with their phone number and email address.

Email, phone number, and password are the essential components of a social media account to log in. It may happen that you forgot your password, but you can easily rest them using your email or phone number. Remembering and having access to your email and phone number is necessary for resetting your password.

Unfortunately, there can be a chance where you don’t remember your email address or phone number, so how do you recover your Instagram account? Is there any way to recover your account without having access to your phone number and email?

Well, the good news is, you can recover your Instagram account without your phone number or email address. In this below, we have listed all the possible methods to easily recover your Instagram account.

With that, let’s get into the details below!

Methods to Recover Your Instagram Account Without Phone Number or Email Address

Sometimes you may lose access to email and phone numbers, but at the same time, you may forget your password. In the case of Instagram, if you lose access to both email and phone numbers, you will not be able to log in. At that time, you may need to reach Instagram support for help in recovering your account. Likewise, you must do the same thing if you suspect your account has been hacked.

Contacting the Instagram support team is challenging because they hardly reach out to you. To recover your account, Instagram will send you several emails, and you must verify your identity to access your account. The verification process includes uploading a photo of yourself holding a custom code written on a white paper sent by Instagram in the email.

Below are all the methods to regain access to your Instagram account without your email or phone number and reset your password.

Navigating to “Get more help?”

The first and easiest method to regain your Instagram account is by the Instagram app itself. Follow our step-by-step guide below!

Step 1: To recover your account without access to your email or phone number, you have to navigate to the “Get more help?” page.

Step 2: After that, you can request by clicking “I can’t access this email or phone number.”

Step 3: You will be redirected to the “Request Support” form. In the form, you will have to enter the email address by which Instagram can contact you.

Step 4: A couple of questions will be asked, followed by a description of your issue.

Step 5: After submitting the form, you must wait for the email to arrive. It typically arrives before 48hours after the form has been filled.

Step 6: Once the email arrives, they will send instructions to confirm your identity. The process requires you to click a photo of yourself holding a paper with a code written on it provided in the email.

Step 7: Once Instagram verifies your identity and you are the account owner, you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.

That’s it. Now head to your email and reset your password with the instructions mentioned on your screen.

If Your Account is Hacked

As the rise of popularity of Instagram is going higher, the hackers are no longer staying back. Unfortunately, hackers find a way to get access to your account. In such an unfortunate event, knowing what you can do is essential. On the good part, you can recover your account even if it is hacked. Below are the steps to get access to your account if it is hacked.

Step 1: Open your Instagram and navigate to the login page.

Step 2: If you have a secondary account, go to your profile and click on the username.

Step 3: Click on “Add account” and then “Log In to Existing Account.”

Step 4: Once you are on the login page, click “Forgotten password?”

Step 5: The forgotten password link will be located under the password field.

Step 6: Once you click on “Forgotten password?” you will be redirected to the “Trouble with logging in?” page. You can either enter your phone number, password, or username.

Since you do not have access to your phone number or email, you have to put your username instead. If your account has been hacked and the hacker changed your username, you have to find the new username that your account has. You can find it by checking your earlier interactions like follows, likes, or the following list of who follows you.

Step 7: Once you find your new username, enter the username.

Step 8: After that, click “Need more help?” instead of “Next.”

Ensure that you have entered the username; otherwise, you will be redirected to the Instagram help center.

Request Support

Last method to get access to your account is by requesting support from the Instagram app itself. Here is how you can do it:

Step 1: After clicking on “Need more help?” you will be redirected to the “Help us Recover Your Account” page.

Step 2: After that, you will see an email address linked to your Instagram account. If the email address belongs to you, you can click on it and send a security code to your email.

However, if someone changes the email, you will not be able to send the code to your email. In that case, instead of clicking on “Send Security code,” click on “I can’t access my email.”

Once you click on it, you will be redirected to a page with a “Request Support” form. The form will allow you to contact Instagram support for help.

Step 3: Enter the email address by which Instagram can contact you. Ensure that you have access to the email address.

Several questions will be asked, like “What type of account are you trying to access?” If the account is personal, click on the “Personal account with photos of me” option.

They will ask you the reason for the request, and you have to click on the “I can’t log in to the email on my account” option.

If your account is hacked, click “My account was hacked” and describe the issue you are facing.

Finally, click on “Request Support” and submit the form to Instagram support.

Wrapping up

Almost 8/10 of adults and teenagers are using Instagram to stay in touch with their friends and family, promote their business, or reach their targeted audience. It may come as a surprise to you that Instagram has also made a lot of people millionaires with the influence of culture. Instagram influencers are taking over the world with their efforts to make a difference!

While regularly using the platform, you may forget your password. In such cases, the methods mentioned above will help you regain access to your account even if you do not have access to your phone number or email address.

So, you no longer have to worry about losing your accounts anymore as the methods mentioned above will work for everyone! So, go ahead and try the methods now.

We hope our article was useful in getting back your Instagram account. Over to you. Which method worked for you? Let us know in the comment section below!

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