How to Turn Off Message Requests on Instagram

Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms right now. With millions of active users, the daily user count on Instagram just keeps increasing. Behind its popularity is the reason for how easy and fun the platform is. Besides being just a platform to share your day-to-day lives and staying in touch with your loved ones, it has gone beyond!

How to Stop Getting Message Requests from Strangers on Instagram

Now, people are opening up and confidently expressing themselves on the platform. In short, people are using their voices on the platform without fear. Thanks to the Instagram community, we have seen some talented content creators, influencers, and marketers ruling the platform with their skills and talents.

If you are good at something, there is no better time than now to let the world know through Instagram proudly. With the introduction of reels, people gaining fame has become easier and quicker than before. While this is all secondary, let’s talk about something that we all have experienced at least once on Instagram.

When your account grows, unwanted messages can be disturbing, whether you are an influencer, content maker, entrepreneur, or business person. The frequent notification of new messages can affect your productivity. Many people utilize Instagram for business purposes, and this feature can make things very challenging to manage.

Have you ever opened your Instagram DMs and seen some random stranger texting you? Whether it is an automated promotional message or some creepy stranger texting you, you must have wondered at least once -who is this person, and why are they randomly texting me?

Well, we know you relate to this because we all do at some point! The answer to why they are texting you is something that we will never find. But, what’s important is that you deserve some peace of mind from these DMs from strangers that you don’t even want to talk to.

Don’t worry. We have got your back! In this article, we will be discussing all the methods to say bye to the message requests from strangers on Instagram, so you don’t have to stress out about who they are and enjoy a peaceful Instagram atmosphere!

With that, let’s get started.

Can You Stop Getting Message Requests From Strangers on Instagram?

If your account is private, eliminating message requests from strangers can be more manageable. All you need to do is just let Instagram show the text, which provides a barrier to giving you privacy. But why should you go through the trouble when there are alternatives?

Instagram has a feature that lets its users have power over those who can DM them. “Don’t receive requests” is one such feature.

This feature allows selected people that you follow or the ones in your contact list to DM you. The message option will be viewed on your profile but will not function and will show the following message, (xyz) can not receive your message. The user does not allow new DM requests from new user.

By following the simple steps, you can disable text requests on Instagram. The process will save time and control unwanted messages from penetrating your chat box folder. Further, it will serve as a fence and block unwanted messages. You must ensure that your Instagram application is up to date before availing of the option.

Turn the “Don’t Receive Requests” on.

One of the most straightforward methods to avoid getting message requests from random strangers on Instagram is by turning off the option from the settings itself. Instagram allows you to stop these unwanted messages by enabling the don’t receive request feature.

Here’s how you can switch the “Don’t Receive Requests” feature.

Step 1: Open your Instagram application on your phone.

Step 2: Click on the profile icon in the right corner at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3: Click on the profile in the screen’s three-line menu in the top right corner.

Step 4: Open the settings menu once the pop-up option appears.

Step 5: Click on the privacy menu in the settings menu.

Step 6: Click on the “other people” choice from the message controls menu.

Step 7: When the “other people” option appears, click on the “Don’t receive requests” choice.

If you have followed the procedure above, Instagram will not show you the texts and requests from unwanted people. If any unidentified user texts you, you will not get any notification, and you will not see the text in the requests folder either.

Disable The Message Request Folder on Instagram

There is also another method you can follow to stop getting random message requests from people on Instagram. You can disable the message request folder on Instagram which will not allow anyone other than your followers to send you messages. Follow our guide below to enable the feature to your account.

Step 1: Go to the settings page on Instagram.

Step 2: Click on Notifications.

Step 3: Click on Messages.

Step 4: Click on the “Off” option in the message requests. Similarly, you can also prevent notifications for group messages from the options below.

That’s it. This way, you can turn off the text requests on Instagram. As said earlier, when you turn off the text request on Instagram, people you do not follow will not be able to send you any messages. You will no longer receive notifications when you get new message requests. You can see the pending requests in the request section.

Wrapping up

We can write pages about Instagram, but it still wouldn’t be enough. This is because Instagram remains a tremendous platform to socialize, earn, and showcase your talent to the world. The global platform has also contributed to the rise in influencer culture and helped people earn millions from the comfort of their homes.

Since more and more people are joining Instagram every day, people texting strangers are also increasing. This may be some automated bots sending you promotional messages or a random dude on the internet complimenting you. If you have a private account, you can see these pending requests in your DMs.

We know how annoying it can be to see these random people texting you out of the blue. However, with the methods mentioned above, you can give yourself some peace of mind by eliminating random messages that are of no use. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and wave goodbye to the creepy people sliding into your DMs and welcome clean and peaceful Instagram DMs!

We hope our article helped you to stop getting message requests from random people on the internet. Did the methods work for you? Let us know in the comment section below!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I stop getting random messages from people on Instagram?

If a user you do not follow DMs you, the text will be stored in the request section of messages. If you do not want the request section to appear in the message box, you can remove it by the method mentioned above.

2. Can I turn off the DM requests on Instagram?

Yes, you can turn off the DM requests on Instagram. Go to your settings option and click on “Privacy.” Go to the Messages option and click on the “Other People” section. Click on the “Don’t Receive Requests” option.

3. Can I turn off my DMs on Instagram?

Unfortunately, you cannot completely shut your DMs on Instagram. However, what you can do is turn off receiving messages from strangers or anyone whom you don’t follow.

Also Read:

How to Disable Direct Messages (DMs) on Instagram

How to Stop Receiving Messages on WhatsApp Without Blocking

Instagram Username Availability Checker

How to Send Direct Message to Private Instagram Account

How to Retrieve Deleted Messages on Twitter (Recover Deleted DMs)


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