Facebook, now known as Meta, is one of the oldest and most popular social media platforms. The platform has transformed itself for years, making it convenient, user-friendly, and easy to stay in touch with everyone. Earlier, you could use Facebook only to share status, upload pictures, and talk to your friends.

But now, the platform has added hundreds of new features that make it outrank its competitors. From uploading stories to calling your friends, everything has been made easier. You can send a follow request and stay connected with your friends. Additionally, Facebook enables you to view anyone’s profile unless they have not kept their profile private.
Over the years, Facebook has focused on its security, but recent talks have put a spotlight on its data mining, raising multiple questions about privacy and security for the users. Due to this, Facebook has been launching constant updates focusing heavily on numerous security layers to protect users from unwanted activities.
The latest edition of ‘private profile’ was introduced with security and privacy in mind. If you have been using Facebook for years now, you must know that private profiles did not exist before. This recent addition has helped users keep their information, pictures, and updates private, meaning only their friends get access to their profiles.
As a human, we all get curious to see the private profile. Whether it is your crush or your ex, you will be keen to see what they are up to if their profile is set to private. While Facebook makes it impossible to view the profile directly, there are some workarounds that you can do to view private profiles on Facebook.
In this article, we will list down various methods (of course, legit) to view private profiles without letting them know!
So are you eager to know which methods you can follow? Let’s dive in!
Legit Ways to View Private Profiles on Facebook
1. Create a Fake Profile and Send Them a Follow Request
One of the quickets method to check someone’s Facebook private profile is by being their friend. When you become their Facebook friend, you can easily view their profile and stay updated with their posts. However, we understand that there is a reason why you cannot send them a request.
So, you can create a fake profile with someone else’s name and profile. Remember, when you are making a fake profile, it should not appear fake as the other person may not accept your request. If they find your profile suspicious, you will waive your chances of your request being accepted.
Therefore, make an excellent fake profile that looks real. You can add a good profile picture and cover photos. Before sending them friend requests directly, make sure you have a few friends on your list already. This will enable the user to understand that you are not a fake profile.
Furthermore, it would help if you wrote a name they are familiar with to accept your friend request instantly. Once your profile is set up and looks legit, you can go ahead and send them a request. If you are lucky enough, they will accept your friend request. All you need to do is wait until they accept your request.
2. Ask a Mutual Friend
So, you created a fake profile, but the method did not work out for you. Now, what’s your next option? Simply ask a mutual friend! If you are keen to view someone’s profile, there may be a chance that you have mutual friends. For example, you want to stalk your ex on Facebook. There will be a chance you both have mutual friends who are still friends on Facebook with them.
Of course, you do not want to appear like a creepy stalker, but taking help from a mutual friend can help you see their profile, even if it is private. One of the best parts about following this method is that you can stay anonymous unless the mutual decides to tell the person directly.
You can simply see mutual friends that you have with the person whose profile you want to see. Find a person whom you know, or you talk to. Ask them to send you screenshots of their profile. Furthermore, you can ask them to show you something specific, if that is what you are trying to see, including their profile picture, their status update, stories, and more.
3. Send Them a Friend Request
Now, there may be a chance that you do not have mutual friends, or you don’t want to look like a stalker by asking the mutual friend. In such cases, make a brave move by sending them a friend request. Sending a friend request is one of the easiest ways to view their profile without following other methods. Additionally, if they are an old friend of yours, you can send them a message telling them about you so they can accept your request.
4. Search For The Tagged Pictures
If you are curious to see the private profile owner’s picture, searching for their tagged photos will be the best option. You can go to the search bar and type, ‘photos of XYZ (private profile owner),’ and Facebook will display all the available pictures. You can then search for the relevant person and look at their photos without even viewing their profile.
Can Third-Party Websites Help in Viewing Facebook Private Profile?
When you search about how you can view a private profile on Facebook on the internet, you will come across various websites and applications that promise to help you view the profile.
Let us break the truth. We tried using third-party tools, although Facebook itself prohibits it. During our research, we tried to check if these websites will give access to see private profiles. Unsurprisingly, most websites ask you to complete a survey or tasks. After completing the time-consuming survey and tests, there are still zero results. So, basically, using third-party websites to view someone’s private profile is a waste of time.
However, if someone you know has used a trusted third-party website or application to view a private profile, you may try for the same. Facebook’s privacy policy prohibits using third-party applications to unlock features that invade user privacy. Nevertheless, we do not recommend using third-party applications as they can harm your device and steal potential data.
Wrapping up
When we talk about social media platforms, Facebook is one of the famous names that come to our minds. There was an era where everyone went crazy about the platform as it was primarily one of the first social media platforms that took over the world with its exceptional features.
In addition to speaking to your friends and family, Facebook has taken a step ahead by allowing users to stay updated with the recent events and news, conduct webinars and meetings for their business, market their small business, find potential customers, and more. All these just through a Facebook account!
If you were curious about how to view someone’s private profile on the platform, we hope this article helped you find legit ways. Over to you. Which method are you following? Let us know in the comments section below!
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