Instagram is a photo-sharing app that has branched out and extended its features to become an all-encompassing app. You can also find people posting reels and stories and promoting their brands or products in the app.

The app is not a new addition to the social media industry and has been out here for more than a decade already. But the power this social media behemoth holds is astonishing.
The platform has come a long way ever since 2010 and has quickly and flexibly adapted to the ever-changing needs of the social media market. This visual platform is also notably one of the easiest social media platforms that you can use. There is no actual need for a manual as such because the interface is simple, and the settings are simple to access.
The platform is highly interesting because of its vibrant user base. Therefore, you can truly create a strong community on the platform and profit from them as well by establishing a strong relationship.
Of course, the app has several competitors in the market, but it still remains unique in its class. It swiftly gained popularity after its launch, and there is no chance of it slowing down anytime soon.
We will discuss one of this social media platform’s main features, which is the ability to send messages to other users. It is known as sending a direct message, often known as DM, to someone.
Do you believe there is a feature that allows you to download the messages you send on the app every day to the numerous people you communicate with? Let’s read the blog to learn how to download Instagram direct messages now, shall we?
Can you download direct messages on Instagram?
So, let’s just get to the point. Let’s first talk about whether or not we can download Instagram direct messages. Finding the solution would make everything clearer for us and allow us to go on.
We’re sorry to disappoint you if you were hoping to find an official button or other option that would allow you to download Instagram direct messages. You should give up on your high hopes because Instagram does not provide its users with such a feature.
But having said that, we must also let you know that you have the ability to download direct messages from the site. So, you don’t have to worry and follow the steps as we guide you through the sections below.
Downloading direct messages on Instagram: A basic step guide
Do you wish to download your direct messages on Instagram too? We’re confident that you already know there isn’t a direct button for achieving that, but allow us to share a straightforward strategy that should work.
Nowadays, many of us use the Instagram web on our PCs and laptops while we work to just take a brief diversion from our daily activities. This section will tell you how to download direct messages on Instagram via your computer.
Steps to download direct messages via computer/laptop:
Step 1: Go over to your web browser and enter
Step 2: Do you spot your profile icon positioned in the upper right corner? Click on it.
Step 3: A menu should appear with a list of options. Choose Settings from the menu.
Step 4: Is there a Privacy and security option available in the left menu of the page? Click on it.
Step 5: Go down until you find a Data download section. You must see a request download link underneath it. Click on the link.
Step 6: On the next page, you will see Get a copy of your information section. Verify the email address because this is where you will get the requested data.
So, ensure that the email is active.
Step 7: Next, select the Information format and let it be JSON and tap on Next to proceed.
Step 8: You will have to enter your Instagram password on the next page for verification purposes. Tap on Request download.
Instagram will send you a message that reads: We’ve started creating a file of your information and will email a link to (your email address) once it’s ready. It may take up to 14 days to collect this information and send it to you.
Step 9: You will receive your requested data in ZIP format at the specified email address.
Tap on the download information link and tap on it again on the Your Instagram information page.
So, you need to extract the data from the file to view the Instagram direct messages from here.
Downloading direct messages via mobile phone
There is nothing like the satisfaction of logging into your Instagram account with the official mobile app, no matter how often you use a computer or laptop. Additionally, using this platform on a smartphone is quite simple and flexible.
However, we must tell you that there are different procedures if you choose to download the data for direct messages using the official Instagram app as opposed to the computer version. So, let us walk you through the procedures below in order to avoid any kind of confusion.
Steps to download direct messages via mobile phone:
Step 1: Open the official Instagram app via your mobile and log in if required.
Step 2: You should now tap on the profile picture icon at the lower right corner next to the heart icon.
Step 3: Opt for the hamburger menu to go to the option titled Your activity from the list that emerges.
Step 4: This is the One place to manage your activity page by Instagram. Go down to the bottom of the page to select Download your information.
Step 5: In the Download your information page, you will get a copy of what you’ve shared on Instagram.
Enter the Email in the field and hit the request download option below.
Step 6: You must Enter your Instagram password for your account and hit the Next button.
Step 7: Tap on Done and wait for the file to arrive at the mentioned email address.
Upon doing this, Instagram will email you a link to a file with your direct message information, comments, profile information, and more. So, extract the file and view the messages from it.
Wrapping up
This is the end of our blog for the day. We will talk about what we have discovered so far today. So, the topic of our conversation was how to download Instagram direct messages.
While Instagram doesn’t have an official button to accomplish this goal, we discovered that there are still things you may do to download the messages. You may always ask for a data download and view the direct messages that way.
We got into great depth about the procedures you’ll need for both computers and smartphones, so try them all out and let us know if you were successful.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long does it take Instagram to handle your request for a download?
Instagram states that it could take up to 14 days for the platform to gather and submit the download request data to you. But this is the maximum time duration Instagram suggests; you can also receive the information within a few hours to a few days. The length of time depends on the data that was saved on your account.
2. Why am I unable to access the downloaded data at the designated email address?
You should check your spam folder if you didn’t see the downloaded data on your email account.
3. Is it necessary to enter the password to extract the data from the file?
Yes, you must enter your password each time Instagram prompts you to do so. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to view any of the information because of the privacy policy.
Also Read:
How to Send Direct Message to Private Instagram Account
How to Recover Deleted Instagram Messages 2023
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