Unlike other social media apps, WhatsApp remains one of the most widely used applications that allows you to share messages, pictures, videos, GIFs, stickers, and more within just a click of a button!
Whether you are using it for business or personal use, it has tons of features that you will never get over. With the rise of this meta-owned platform, it provides unlimited functionalities to stay in touch with your friends and family worldwide.
One of the best parts about WhatsApp is that it enables you to stay in touch with just an internet connection. Furthermore, you do not have to pay a single penny! All the features of WhatsApp can be enabled for free!
With its blazing-fast messaging services, you can even place audio, and video calls with your friends and family members. Now, with the increase of its popularity, people are also getting into fights due to this. Imagine you are trying to contact your boyfriend or girlfriend, but you are unable to reach them?
This is especially true when you cannot call them through regular calls or live abroad. The frustration and anger coming out because you cannot get in touch with them can make things even more challenging.
In many cases, you may not know whether their internet connection is poor or they are speaking to someone else. Also, if you are curious about your friends, family, or your partner being on another call when you are trying to reach them, you have landed on the right page!
In this article, we will list down a reliable method to see how to know if someone is on WhatsApp call.
With that, let’s get into the details below!
Can You Find if Someone is on WhatsApp Call
We know you are curious to find out how to check if someone is on WhatsApp call, but unfortunately, WhatsApp does not provide any official feature that notifies you about the same.
WhatsApp focuses highly on users’ privacy. Therefore, it prohibits anyone from knowing if someone else is on call. To simply break, wouldn’t it create chaos if WhatsApp started notifying people when they are speaking to someone on a call? It would be an invasion of user privacy.
However, even if there is no notification to see if someone is speaking to someone else on WhatsApp call, you can still find out if they really are! All you need to do is call them on WhatsApp directly.
When you place an audio or video call to them, you may receive a notification that says they are on another call. However, this is not true in many cases, especially with the new version. The easiest and quickest way to find out is when you call someone on WhatsApp. The call status will go from ‘calling’ to ‘ringing’ if their internet is active. But, if they are on another call (either normal call or WhatsApp call), you will see the call status to ‘calling’ only.
Remember, the call status alone cannot determine if the person is on another call. Sometimes, there are chances that they have a poor internet connection, or their internet/Wi-fi is turned off. Due to poor internet connection, WhatsApp call status may appear ‘calling.’
To cross-check if their internet is turned off, you can drop them a message. If their internet is on, the messages will be delivered. But, if their internet is turned on and you are still ending up with a ‘calling’ status, well, there may be a chance they are speaking to someone on either audio or video call.
Before jumping to conclusions, you can ask the person directly if you are curious to know why they are not responding to you. This will also eliminate arguments and unwanted fights between you and the other person. Give clearing up the air a chance!
Should You Trust third-Party Applications?
There are hundreds of applications on the internet that provide you with WhatsApp features that even the app does not permit. Some of these include hiding your WhatsApp status, reading the messages without them letting you know, getting notifications when they come online, and more.
Unfortunately, many of these applications may not be legit. In simple words, it can invade user privacy and result in an account ban. Some apps also steal your phone’s data, creating various issues. WhatsApp highly suggests avoiding third-party applications to protect yourself.
Therefore, we do not recommend using any third-party applications a chance. Some applications may also steal your money, ask you to pay a hefty subscription fee with fake promises, only to realize it was a scam! So, protect yourself and your data and wave goodbye to third-party apps.
Wrapping up
Undoubtedly, WhatsApp has enabled the world to stay in touch with each other with a click of a button. The user interface is one of the prime reasons that has made it so popular. With zero complexity, a person of any age can use it to stay in touch with their loved ones.
Furthermore, WhatsApp has allowed many older adults to contact their loved ones across the world even when they do not know much about using phones or social media apps. Everything is in your hands with this app, from cool and personalized stickers to placing calls!
If you are speaking to your loved ones and want to stay in touch with them, things can make you a bit skeptical when they do not respond to you. For instance, you are trying to call them, but they do not respond. In such situations, you will be unaware of whether they purposely ignore you or are busy speaking to someone else.
Whatever your reason is, we hope this article will help you figure out how to find out if someone is on WhatsApp call. Unless your intentions are pure and you are simply curious, you can call them and check by using the aforementioned method!
Let us know what you think in the comments section below!
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